dex Summer School
Each year the german experts association (dex) is organising the dex Summer School. The dex members - professors and tenured professors from german speaking universities - are teaching young water professionals in the field of waste water management. The dex Summer School is usually hosted by one supporting member of the dex, previously HTI Gienger (Markt Schwaben, Germany, 2016), VTA (Rottenbach, Austria, 2014) and Andritz (Graz, Austria, 2009). The goal of the dex summer school is to pass on the dex professors’ expert knowledge on urban water management to the next generation of professionals and to direct their attention at recent areas of interest in this sector. Next to this profound knowledge transfer, the dex summer school provides a familiar atmosphere to facilitate international networking between the participants and further with the dex professors. It puts a focus on participants from central and eastern european countries that are PhD-Students, Master's Students and employees at wastewater-related companies.